First Break is EAGE’s monthly magazine and one of the leading publications serving the geoscience, engineering, and energy community. First Break publishes top-quality submitted and commissioned research articles, together with news, monthly topics, and industry features. Since 1983, First Break has been the publication of choice for many decision-makers and specifiers in geoscience-related organisations.

Institutional subscription
An institutional subscription provides your company with easy and unlimited access to the full First Break archive for the requested amount of online users. Every subscription includes a monthly hard copy of the First Break magazine.

Free access to conference papers
All institutional subscribers to First Break in 2024 will receive free access to all event papers from the EAGE Annual 2023, available for downloading on EarthDoc.

Institutional Subscription, one print copy + online (10 users) – € 1075
Institutional Subscription, online (+10 users)                        – On request

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EAGE Publications BV
Account Manager Subscriptions

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3981 AJ Bunnik
The Netherlands

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